Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Boosterthon Pledges & Fun Run

Our Fun Run is just a few days away and we need your help to reach our goal! Let’s hit $40,000 and slime our principals!!! You can help by logging onto funrun.com and add your pledges.

If you still haven’t registered your student(s), do it TODAY and create a fun personalized Student Star video that you can send to family and friends to request pledges. It’s so easy! We still have 50% of our students that have not received their first pledge yet. Keep in mind, every student gets a fun prize, personally delivered by our Boosterthon Team when they earn their first pledge! 

Let’s get those pledges in and reach our goal of $40,000 so that we can slime our principals!!!

Parents, please join us this Friday morning as we cheer on our students at the Lake Carolina Fun Run! Here’s the schedule:

Lower Campus:
8:15- Kindergarten, Preschool & Child Development
9:30- 1st grade
10:45- 2nd grade

Upper Campus:
8:30- 4th grade
9:45- 3rd grade
11:00- 5th grade

Thank you so much for your support! GO GATORS!