Friday, April 26, 2019

Purple Up 2019

April is the month of the "Military Child" and the nation celebrates military kids. It is a time to remind us how important they are in the military community. “Purple Up! For Military Kids” is a day to wear purple to show support and thanks to military children for their strength and sacrifices. Wearing purple is a visible way to show our appreciation to military youth. Purple indicates that all branches of the military are supported; Air Force blue, Army green, Navy blue, Marine red, and Coast Guard blue all thought to combine together as a single color, purple. (See Month of the Military Child for more information.)

Lake Carolina Elementary students and staff "purpled up" today to show our support of all military children and their families. Our school has over 300 students that have military parents.

Many thanks to all of the military families for your service and sharing your children with us!

And special thanks to all of the volunteers for helping today!