Saturday, August 22, 2020

E-Learning Gator-Style...How will e-learning look for my child?


While the schedules are different for different grade levels, there are some consistent times for all students.  Your child’s e-learning day will begin at 9:00.  This means students need to be logged onto their computers and in their Google Classroom/Google Meet at that time.  During our Virtual Open House with your teacher you will learn more specifics about classroom learning times.

All students will have a lunch break from 11:30-12:10.  The school day will end for all students at 3:00.

Teacher office hours will be from 3:00-4:00 PM.  During this time, they will be able to respond to your emails and questions.

All students will have Related Arts each day.  The day also has time built in for small group instruction with the teacher, Tier 2 instruction for those students needing this intervention, and Speech and Special Education for students with IEPs.