Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Last Day for Boosterthon--DanceFit Tomorrow

LCE Families...Our Lake Carolina DanceFit is TOMORROW which means that tonight is the LAST NIGHT to log donations on FUNRUN.COM! 

Have you REGISTERED & SHARED on FUNRUN.COM yet? It’s not too late. It takes just 30 seconds and makes a HUGE impact on our school. Every single donation and share counts. Thank you for supporting our school through this year’s DanceFit fundraising program. We can’t wait to celebrate your students for all their hard work at their virtual DanceFit tomorrow!

The class that receives the most new donations TONIGHT on each campus will get to ICE BUCKET THE BOOSTER TEAM. Be sure to connect your student to any last minute sponsors and log all donations on FUNRUN.COM!

Thank you for supporting the LCE family!