Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Spring Book Fair


It's that time of year! The spring Scholastic Book Fair has arrived at both campuses!

We are excited to offer students in-person shopping for the dates of Monday, May 16th - Friday, May 20th.

We encourage parents to set up an e-wallet for students to shop at the fair.
E-wallets will allow students to shop with preloaded money without the hassle of losing or keeping track of money.

I want to set up an ewallet for my student at Lower Campus
I want to set up an ewallet for my student at Upper Campus

Please remember that the fair is currently for students only.

If you would like to donate books to your child's teacher, please add funds to the teacher e-wallet.

Teacher e-wallet links would be shared by your child's teacher.

Please help us to make the fair a success for students as we celebrate the joy of reading!