Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Join the PTO for 2021-2022


Are you looking for a fun way to get involved in your child’s school, make new friends, and gain new skills? If so, the LCE PTO needs you! We are looking for a few new board members for the 2021-2022 school year. For more information, please read the job descriptions below.  Contact Jennifer Kantrovich at jkantrov@hotmail.com for an application.


President(s): Be a positive influence on and liaison between parents/guardians, teachers, administrators and community; conduct review of by-laws at the first general board meeting of the school year to familiarize all officers and chairpersons with the school by-laws; draft agenda for secretary to copy and distribute for all meetings; preside over regular/general board meetings; coordinate functions occurring at regular PTO meetings; inform members when presentations are required; call issues to a vote, as required; coordinate and supervise proposed activities initiated from general board meetings; prepare/review announcements for school blog and social media; review/approve checks for distribution with Treasurer; provide approval signature when necessary.

Vice President(s): Act as an aide to the President; perform duties of President in his/her absence; be prepared to assume duties of President if required. Serve as Gator Fest Chairperson.


Secretary: Coordinate with President to prepare agendas; prepare minutes of board meetings; distribute copies of minutes to board members; annotate in minutes the names of attendees; remind board members of upcoming meetings; manage PTO social media accounts; prepare flyers as needed; Ensure Secretary records are kept a minimum of five years.


Treasurer: Coordinate with President and establish and maintain a business account at local financial institution; handle all financial transactions associated with the LCE PTO funds; maintain clear and accurate records; disperse funds approved by the LCE PTO Board; deposit revenue; balance monthly bank statements; write monthly financial statements and present at board meetings; Treasurer records must be kept a minimum of five years.


Volunteer Coordinator(s): Enlist and utilize parents, guardians and others as school volunteers; select grade level representatives, if desired, to assist in contacting volunteers for events; develop and maintain volunteer database; the Volunteer Coordinator(s) and Celebrations Committee serve as co-chairpersons for the LCE Teacher Appreciation Luncheon.


Celebrations Chairperson(s): Select homeroom parents; disseminate homeroom parent duties; maintain effective communication with homeroom parents; determine types of seasonal parties to include food, theme, craft, goodie bag, etc.; purchase and distribute birthday cards to all faculty and staff; plan and handle monthly birthday breakfast celebrations for faculty and staff; plan and assist with Teacher Appreciation Week.

Fundraising Chairperson(s):
Plan, arrange and coordinate all fundraising activities designated by the LCE General PTO Board; Coordinate all communications about fundraising through flyers, social media, school blog, etc. Fundraising Chairperson will maintain records for a minimum of five years.

Corporate Programs Chairperson(s): Discover, coordinate & implement programs to receive monetary & tangible contributions from established corporate programs such as Boxtops for Education, Labels for Education, and Publix Partners. Communicate with students, parents, faculty & staff the program goals & strategies to garner support. Compile and submit appropriate media (i.e. boxtops, labels & codes). Report results to General PTO Board.

Questions? Contact Jennifer Kantrovich at jkantrov@hotmail.com or (616) 834-8366