Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Lake Shake 2020 - Final Round

Round 6, the final round of Lake Shake 2020, had the finalists, Becca White and Owen Hensley, select two friends to be on their staff team as they practiced being managers at Longhorn Steakhouse on Decker Boulevard. Rylan Plemons and Winston Hines joined Owen's staff and Macie Young and Anna Chaneyworth worked on Becca White's staff. Both finalists learned how to delegate responsibilities, check on guests dining in the restaurant, and ultimately, manage the restaurant. Both finalists also completed job interviews with Longhorn Steakhouse's managers from the Decker and Harbison locations.

The winner was announced this morning during an assembly at Lake Carolina Upper Campus. 

Congratulations to the winner of Lake Shake 2020.....Becca White! 

Becca will go on to represent our school at the Ron Clark Academy Amazing Shake Nationals competition from April 17-19 in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Many thanks to the families, friends, and staff that came out to Longhorn's last night. Our appreciation goes to everyone that has volunteered, followed and supported the Lake Shake and cheered on our students this year. 

To see this year's events, go to @LakeShakeLCEU or Pictures from Lake Shake 2020 are posted  in the Google Photo Album.