Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Information for Upper Campus eLearning Families

Upper Campus eLearning Parents and Students: 

Volume 2 of the student math books are available for pick -up in the Main Office along with the Winter Treats from PTO!  Please secure your child's math book so that they can have the materials needed to continue learning in eLearning in January.  

Math books and treats are available for pick-up at the times scheduled below:

Wednesday (12/16) - Friday (12/18) from 7:30am-3:30pm

Monday (12/21) - Tuesday (12/22) from 7:30am -3:00pm

*Please contact us at 803-691-3360 if you have problems with pick-up and we will attempt to make alternative arrangements.

*Students currently in Classroom Communities (Face-to-Face instruction) will have math books and PTO Winter Treats sent home this week.