Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Litter Trashes Everyone Contest

Hey creative Upper Campus Gators! There is a state-wide drawing contest that just opened for elementary students. Palmetto Pride, South Carolina's anti-littering and beautification organization needs your entries!  

If you want to participate, create a unique drawing of our state or community that promotes picking up litter or beautification. The theme is "Litter Trashes Everyone". The paper to draw on needs to be mailed to you from Palmetto Pride or it has to be at least 14"x8.5" plain white paper. 

Important: your drawing needs to have no more than 5 colors. Completed artwork is due by February 15th to Mrs. McConnell and one winner from our school will go on to the regional contest. Please put your full name, grade level and teacher's name on the back of your work

Check out the  flyer for more information and let me know if you have any questions. Email me at emcconnell@richland2.org. Hope to see some great entries!